Comedy Evening FUNdraiser!
May 14, 2019

On April 24th we hosted a comedy evening fundraiser at Rondebosch Boys’ High School. It was such a fun evening full of laughter and telling the audience more about the impact that we are having in our areas! We would like to say a big thank you to the amazing comedians that volunteered their time to raise funds for CoolPlay. Thank you to Angel Campey, Nik Rabinowitz, KG, Dalin Oliver and Godfrey Johnson! Thank you for your jokes, your time and your willingness to give back!

During the evening we were also able to hear from operations manager Luqmaan about the impact that CoolPlay is having, champion Nokulunga on how she is creating change in girls’ lives in Khayelitsha and from the Blitzbokke on how they are supporting CoolPlay.

Thank you to the Blitzbokke who came to our event and donated a signed jersey to our raffle – please see the video below on who won the raffle!

We are full of gratitude to all who gave their time, attended the event, donated money and organised the event – a big thank you to Karen for pulling the event together.

Stay tuned for more exciting upcoming events!