
Sport-specific squads
Sport-specific squads within the various partner schools are identified according to a chosen sport. Rugby, netball, hockey and soccer squads meet consistently.
The Champions use different CoolPlay Coaching Cards at each session. They adapt specific drills to each of the themes represented on the cards.
We aim for our Champions to deliver 1.5 hours long sessions to each squad twice a week for 40 weeks of the year to have meaningful engagement where personal growth can happen.
Sport-specific clinics & mini-tournaments
Sport-specific clinics & mini-tournaments are hosted over weekends. Learners from outside of the programme are encouraged to join regular participants and meals are provided.
Termly competitions
Termly competitions provide opportunity to reinforce positive behaviours and interact with children from different communities.
Learner outings
Learner outings enable experiential learning for the squads and often the very act of leaving their own communities broadens the horizon of what is possible.
Mini-Sport (with Cool to Be Me)
Some Champions are trained to deliver Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) specifically to Foundation Phase (Grade 1 -3) learners. Where accepted by the school the Champions deliver mini-sport sessions with SEL between the end of the school day and when the learner transport arrives.
Research shows delivering SEL training during these critical ages helps leave long-lasting positive affects on a learners’ social & emotional competencies.
Cool to Lead
Cool to Lead is a leadership workshop for learners in their final years of junior school. The programme incorporates the lessons from the CoolPlay Coaching cards in a short presentation. The emphasis is on identifying a learner’s strengths and weaknesses and prepares them for the transition into the position of leadership and authority that they will be exposed to for the first time in Grade 7.
CoolPlay educator workshops
CoolPlay educator workshops aim to encourage teachers to adopt the CoolPlay Way in other areas of the school. Promoting the concept of social and emotional learning as a whole-school ethos.
Measuring Impact
To measure our impact a mix of qualitative and quantitative tools are used.
TEAMPact App
The TEAMPact App collects detailed information regarding session attendance & delivery from field side that can immediately be read on the digital dashboard. This is analysed for overall programme delivery & impact evaluation.
Hello Insight
Hello Insight is a social & emotional learning measurement tool which grades learners’ competencies against global standard.
Focus groups
Focus groups are conducted by external providers which enhance our understanding of the impact of the programme as felt by those on the frontlines.
Since CoolPlay committed to the agenda of development through sport and play the following noteworthy successes have been identified:

Case Study
Claudia Mans is a 17 years old at Sarepta High School. Here is her story:
“I started with Netball last year, and at first I was a bit hopeless – sometimes sport codes at the school just stop, but CoolPlay soon showed me that they are here to stay. Before I started with the program I had a huge anger problem, I would snap for just anything, the reason is that I come from a background where I have to fight for what’s mine and I must protect myself. I am person who does not trust people easily but then again CoolPlay showed me how to trust and to care for others.
CoolPlay turned my life around. I remember when Coach Luq told us about the “Do Over”. He said in life we all make mistakes but the big question is how we change our mistakes into success. Well I thought about what he said and it made me think, if I never forgive myself and put my mistakes in the past I’ll never go forward in life as a person, and that is when I told myself anything is possible. He also taught us that life is more then just playing Netball it’s about setting goals and having the right values, what we do on the court we should do off the court. I really look up to coach Luq his like a father/brother/Hero to me. He keeps his word and always opens up to us.”